La beneamata

Pray, Play, Work, Eat, Love



Ayu Puspo Kirono, M. Anindra Rezali Hadi

Mahasiswa Jurusan Teknik Industri, Universitas Gunadarma, Jakarta.

Kampus E Universitas Gunadarma JL. Akses UI, Kelapa Dua, Depok

Telp: (021) 8727541 Ext: 401



When working in system work, human being need to move legs and hands. for example to assemble product components or process product etcetera. Can be said that by job consisted of to by with refer to movements with certain sequence. While if detailed by more detail again the movement consisted of some movement element. There is movement elements giving added value to prodduk or component which in process and that movement element referred as by a effective movement element. But on the contrary, there is movement element which after doneconducted do not give added value, hence this movement element referred as by a movement element is not be effective. Therefore the writer doconduct perception of in working which the in form of result of record handycam of a operator in assembling of keyboard computer.

Using MTM-1 ( METHODS TIME MEASUREMENT-1) that is an system of permanent time stipulating developed pursuant to study draw movements work from an job operation recorded in film. This MTM-1 represent one of good solution, since this method have excellence of hisits pre-determained meaning is this method earn to detect time ofis solving of an work in an proposed method alternatively, before applied by the job method or run. With This method MTM-1 is knowable of movements doneconducted by operator in doingconducting work, both for done left by hand and also right hand and meminimasi time required by for a worker in working hisits.

Keyword: Methods time Measurement ( MTM), assembling keyboard Computer.

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Depok, Jawa Barat, Indonesia
Lahir di dunia pada tahun 1988 pada akhir bulan april dari ayah suku sasak lombok dan ibu dari suku jawa. Tumbuh dan berkemabng dengan keluarga yang bahagia d Lombok NTB. Dan saat ini melanjutkan studi di universitas Gunadarma berharap lulus dengan cepat untuk menjadi engginer.. hehhe Amin.

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